Printing: Questioning the Plane we call Real

Questioning the physical existence of the object we call a (picture) photograph. In doing so also arguing the existence of a physical solid shared plane of existence through the use of relation in the work. by including meaning full or relatable or identifiable objects, in the image, the idea of communicating however vaguely to others (communication isn't just talking or writing)
arguing the existence of the physical plane we call reality and the existence of the other existence.
-by always assuming that the other person is real.

The plain of fantasy you choose to call real is your reality but the question I find myself asking is whether there is a plain of reality which we all share and if so is there also a plain of consciousness or whether it is shared or solitary.
Is it this binary opposition between the two planes which allows a singularity to be. Expanding on this implies that both the reality plain and the conscious plain are necessary for a singular consciousness to exist and without it (logically?) Would we be a part of a collective consciousness or is that just wishful thinking?

 if all you know is what you have sensed or experience then the vision you have whatever vision, i is imagined by your experiences and your relations, the collective reality must be real.
reality must be real but if it looks different to someone else then is it singular? as in an object is, a body could be an object "you are an anybody before you become a somebody" the idea of communication between people - facilitate there needs?

this picture I have decided to chose as my final.
