Stars, Acid, Earth (Term 1)

(U N D E F I N E D)
Click the title of this entry to watch the video and to read the accompanying text.

Classical Beauty
Modern thought provocation

The main aim for term one soon after university start was to create a video documenting life as it happens and use that to communicate (something) to the viewer, even though the idea for the format of the video didn't originate from the stranger days exhibition it did help solidify the motive for the term. I started off confused but soon decided to start working inductively, actively searching for the thing I would like to document, be it beauty, cruelty, mundane life or extraordinary occurrences.

"For it is in the idea of communication that Deleuze came to think philosophy confronts a new and most insolent rival" - Immanence: A Life p19

The project itself constantly evolved and developed through the first term, it began with me wanted to capture crime and horrific visuals such as stabbings and acid attack. As I began research for my dissertation and project I realized that adding on to the violent stimuli (as George Simmel would put it in his essay the metropolis and mental health) which will further desensitize the public towards the issues I was trying to voice, additionally, I was a told to also concentrate on the humanity of life. I choose to both keep this research and advise in my and discard it in a sense that when I was shooting I would keep my eyes unfiltered, therefore not looking for a specific visual but instead, letting life happens around me and capturing only when my mind would see fit (without worrying about why I was recording).

"We need a new conception of society in which what we have in common is our singularities and not our individualities - where what is common is "impersonal" and what is "impersonal" is common." - Immanence: A Life p14

Soon I had enough footage the second part (Acid) of the film I would go on to create, the editing process was simple, no filters, no effects, just simple cuts and application of the accumulative film theory knowledge I had picked up in the last five years. the aim being simply to capture the viewers' attention through basic editing tricks such as a cut on action and cross-cutting, again keeping the viewer in the world of the film for as long as I could through these basic means to simply cut to black to transport them into the real world even for a second (to make the viewer fully aware or there surroundings) to further achieve this goal I decided on using music which had made some month before. The choice of music was very important. It had to be repetitive enough to not attract too much attention whilst setting a pace for the viewer to so as to keep the visuals fresh. And again I would be as I did with the visuals I would play with silence to bring the viewer out and into reality (fully aware).

"Ariadne introduces instead a belief in the world and in the potentials of a life." - Immanence: A Life p17

As the term went on I carried on shooting and ended up with the video you see above, in between editing and shoot I showed the ever-evolving versions of the video to as many people as possible, it was paramount to see the reaction of the viewer, I started to notice that the effects of the video are completely different watching it the second time compared to the first watch. If I had to put it into words, I would say that it was not as effective the second time.

No negative feedback was received at any point, which actually began to get on my nerves after a while. Contextually it seemed that people got something or another from the video but this didn't matter to me as much from what I observed the video achieved its goal.

"To think is not to be certain, but, on the contrary, to believe where we cannot know for sure." - Immanence: A Life p17

I successfully immersed the audience into the video, enough to a point that when they were given complete silence and darkness, they could not help but be fully aware of their environment. Achieved communication)

"Thinking and art might introduce new connections that didn't preexist" - Immanence: A Life p120

Even though I managed to achieve the overarching goal for the term I observed that the video itself was not something which changed or affected peoples opinions, neither was it its aim to do so. I did not set out to create a piece of propaganda. On the contrary, this is a piece of art which simply interacts with the viewer, by which means? I cannot define exactly even if I tried, hence the name for the project (Undefined Pictures).

To conclude, the aim which was to make the person aware or more aware of themselves and their surroundings was achieved by making a piece of art which was self-conscious enough to know itself and what it set out to achieve, point being that it was not the visual or the music which made the work what it was but the silence and the darkness. - "for sensation is only a break within the flow of absolute consciousness." - Immanence: A Life p25

For the Second term I plan to experiment further with how images can interact with the viewer contrary to the contemporary - look at artwork > be satisfied > move to the next - mantra we sadly are faced with. To be more specific on my future plans, to be more directly compared to the mostly abstract nature of the piece you see above.

"The abstract doesn't explain, but must itself be explained." - Immanance: A Life p7

Note: The quotes you see above were gathered after the making of the work and in no way informed or inspired the work, they were only used to better define to an extent or explain more efficiently my thinking. I found the text - Immanence: A Life a week before writing this post - it is as though life itself is trying to help. Thank you.

The actual reading list from term one was extensive and mostly came from dissertation research, in addition to this I also research artist which can be either found in my research book or general research folder alongside all the printed text.

In further addition, 1000 or so pictures were also captured during the multiple shoots. These I have cut down drastically into the gallery below. Make of them what you will.
